MacDrive 10 Pro requires that the complete set be connected regardless of the type of RAID (e.g.MacDrive 10 Pro supports RAID volumes made with GPT partitions created using Mac OS X 10.4 and above, and supports striped, mirrored and concatenated disk sets.DMG Files: MacDrive 10 offers a feature to "mount" or access the contents of unencrypted DMG files.2TB Drives or larger on Windows XP: Windows XP does not support disks greater than 2TB.Boot Camp drivers and Mac OS 10.9: MacDrive 10 Pro is compatible with Boot Camp drivers from Mac OS 10.9 Mavericks as well as previous versions of Boot Camp, such as from 10.6 Snow Leopard and prior.Parallels & VMWare Fusion: MacDrive works with Windows running virtually under Mac OS X using Parallels Desktop for Mac or VMware Fusion, with the exception in both cases that the Mac OS X system volume will be inaccessible.Mac-formatted hard drive connected to an Airport base station). Network Drives: MacDrive is not usable in networking and/or network-attached storage scenarios (e.g.Encryption and FileVault: MacDrive does not support encrypted Mac-formatted drives.System Requirements Minimum System Requirements (PC)